
L’enfant Hypersensible par Pierrick Martinez

Un livre pour l’enfant hypersensible. Maman hypersensible d’enfant hypersensible, je suis souvent à la recherche d’outils pour faciliter la compréhension de notre fonctionnement. Au hasard de mes recherches, j’ai découvert Pierrick, illustrateur hypersensible. J’ai commandé son livre  » L’enfant Hypersensible, mieux comprendre pour mieux aider… » tout d’abord pour moi. 🌱 Je l’ai rapidement fais passer… continue reading

Sophrospirit in English !

Sophrospirit in English ! What a great month January is to offer new products! I told you about this a while ago, and now the project is taking shape😁 This is a project that is close to my heart! Because of my particular attachment to London, where I had the chance to live for a… continue reading

Sophrospirit in English !

    Sophrospirit in English !     What a great month January is to offer new products! I told you about this a while ago, and now the project is taking shape 😁 This is a project that is close to my heart! Because of my particular attachment to London, where I had the chance… continue reading